The Poetry of Religion

Chris Aldernator
2 min readApr 16, 2023

Love who we say how we say

for it has been written,

we think I mean we believe!

All those feelings are from “Him”

Unless you don’t like them

Well then that is your fault

Hold this line unless it is another line

Then hold that one, tightly.

If you’re in you win

The rest are lost

Give all you have as long as others are watching

Vote how you want when we say how we say enjoyed oppression in your freedom.

Debate details steeped in Godness

Don’t search, we will come to find you

Guilt and shame are the fuel it feeds on

Measured by the metric of my neighbors, my faith, dress, and the shit that never stinks

Let me burden you with the taking of your burdens

Weeping sinners weeping for sinners

Juggernaut of justification

You are enough, are you enough, enough, enough?

Watch you watch me watch you watching me.

Faster and faster and faster.

Why don’t you slow down and take a break after all it’s Mother’s Day!

Can you not see the error of your Ways?

I will show them to you, you are the error of your Ways.

Play lying liars, watching watchers, waiting waiters, smiling smilers, smiling fakers, fakers smiling

Once you get in, you’ll never get out

wink wink,

there is safety in these numbers

Die infidel die

Abuse is in the eye of the beholder.

Die for a purpose, die for the love, die because of who you love

Let me define that for you

Now Believe I Say Believe




Chris Aldernator

Doing anything I can everyday to pursue a passion for writing. I am a long term recovering heroin addict. I found the right people in the right places.